* 28th June - 1st July 2015 - RIGA, Latvia
Chair: Girts Skenders
* 29th June - 2nnd July 2014 - VIENNA, Austria
Chair: Franz Allerberger
* 30th June - 3rd July 2013 - FIRENZE, Italy
Chair: Daniela Cirillo and Enrico Tortoli
* 1st-4th July 2012 - BRASOV, Romania
Chair: Jonela Sorina Muntean
* 26th-29th June 2011 - LÜBECK, Germany
Chair: Stefan Niemann
* 4th-7th July 2010 - BLED, Slovenia
Chairs: Matjaž Ocepek and Manca Žolnir
* 5th-8th July 2009 - PORTO, Portugal
Chair: Suzana David
* 6th-9th July 2008 - PLOVDIV, Bulgaria
Chair: Todor Kantardjiev
* 1st-4th July 2007 - ATHENS, Greece
Chair: Loukia Zerva
* 9th-12th July 2006 - LONDON, UK
Chair: Francis Drobniewski
* 26-29th June 2005 - ISTANBUL, Turkey
Chair: Meltem Uzun
* 27-30th June 2004 - ALGHERO, Italy
Chair: Giovanni Fadda
* 29th June-2nd July 2003 - TARTU, Estonia
Chair: Annika Kruuner
* 23-26th June 2002 - DUBROVNIK, Croatia
Chair: Vera Katalinic-Jankovic
* 1-4th July 2001 - BERLIN, Germany
Chair: Hans J. Wolf
* 2-5th July 2000 - VIENNA, Austria
Chair: Roja Wejbora
* 4-7th July 1999 - LUCERNE, Switzerland
Chair: Gaby E. Pfyffer
* 22-25th July 1998 - LISBON, Portugal
Chair: Jorge Torgal Garcia
* 17-18th June 1997 - CORDOBA, Spain
Chair: Manuel Casal
(the congress was followed by the 2nd International Symposium on Mycobacteria of Clinical Interest, 19-20.06)
* 5-8th June 1996- PARIS, France
Chair: Veronique Vincent
* 4-7th June 1995 - PISA, Italy
Chair: Giuseppe Caroli
* 26-30th June 1994 - ATHENS, Greece
Chair: Nikolas J. Legakis
* 28-30th June 1993 - KUOPIO, Finland
Chair: Marja-Leena Katila
* 30th June-2nd July 1992 - REGENSBURG, Germany
Chair: Ludmila Naumann
* 1-4th July 1991 - PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia
Chair: Milan Kubin (Memoirs of Prague)
* 25-26th June 1990 - STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Chair: Gunilla Källenius
(the congress was followed by the 1st International Conference on the Pathogenesis of Mycobacterial Infections, 27-29.06)
* 4-7th July 1989 - WYE, UK
Chair: P. Antony Jenkins
* 4-6th July 1988 - LISBON, Portugal
Chair: Jorge Torgal Garcia
* 2-4th September 1987 - ZEIST, Netherlands
Chair: Dick G. Groothuis
* 3-4th July 1986 - ST GALLEN, Switzerland
Chair: Thomas Giger
* 25-26th September 1985 - CORDOBA, Spain
Chair: Manuel Casal
(the congress was followed by the 1st International Symposium on Mycobacteria of Clinical Interest, 27-28.06)
* 15-16th June 1984 - PARIS, France
Chair: Hugo David
* 28-30th August 1983 - COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Chair: Mogens Magnusson
(the congress was followed by the Conference of the International Working Group on Mycobacterial Taxonomy, 31.8-2.09)
* 24th June 1982 - ANTWERP, Belgium
Chair: Stefaan Pattyn
* 2-3rd June 1981 - FIRENZE, Italy
Chair: Giuseppe Caroli
* 5th June 1980 - BORSTEL, Germany FR
Chair: Gertrud Meissner