Sunday 23 June
Selected flash talks (5 min)
Chairs: Conor Meehan
Tiago Beites, Porto, Portugal i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto
P001 Unrestrained long-chain fatty acid catabolism kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Clara Aguilar Pérez, Johnson & Johnson
P002 Insights into the use of cytochrome Bc inhibitors for future therapeutic strategies for tuberculosis
Melanie Grobebelaar, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University
P003 X-ray-based 3D histology of the human tongue and its coating using contrast-enhanced microCT imaging.
Tania Silva, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto
P004 The dependence of bacterial growth phase on Mycobacterium-Macrophage interaction
Onya Opota, Lausanne University Hospital
P005 Enhancing tuberculosis diagnosis with a mathematical model integrating molecular test histories and patient-specific factors
Opening session
Chair: Troels Lillebaek, Leen Rigouts
Welcome words, ESM and congress Presidents
Opening Keynote
17:10 Wouter Arrazola de Onata, Public health director BELTA - VRGT, Vlaamse Vereniging voor Respiratoire Gezondheidszorg en Tuberculosebestrijding
GL01 TB in Belgium and BELTA-TBNet
Gertrud Meissner Award presented by S. Niemann
17:40 Galo Goig, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel
Gardner Middlebrook Award
18:00 Lalita Ramakrishnan, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology; Cambridge University Hospital
GL03 Lessons for Tuberculosis Treatment from the Zebrafish
Networking drinks and light dinner snacks
Monday 24 June
Session 2: Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) disease and treatment
Chair: Troels Lillebaek, Leen Rigouts
08:30 Emmanuelle Cambau, University of Paris
GL04: State-of-the-art lecture on challenges with phenotypic and genotypic testing in the field of NTMs
09:00 Winston Chiu, KU Leuven
OR01: A novel, high-content imaging based approach towards antibiotic drug discovery for non-tuberculous mycobacteria
09:10 Tim Peto, University of Oxford,
OR02: GPAS: evaluation of mycobacterial species identification of 7798 MGIT samples
09:20 Round table discussion “phenotypic and genotypic speciation and DST in management of NTM lung disease”
Margo Diricks, Borstel Research Institute
Natalie Lorent, University of Leuven
Pere-Joan Cardona Iglesias, Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona
Sng Li Hwei, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Fanourios Kontos, University of Athens
Arjan van Laarhoven, Radboud University Nijmegen
Coffee Break
Session 3: TB treatment: past/current/future
Chair: Bouke De Jong
11:00 Presented by Bouke de Jong, on behalf of Alberto Piubello, Damien Foundation, Niamey, Niger
GL05: The pathway to the ideal DR-TB treatment: safe, effective, short and able to prevent acquired resistance
11:30 Hanif Esmail, UCL London
GL06: Paradigm4tb project
12:00 Joanna Evans The Francis Crick Institute, London
OR03: Towards restoring antibiotic sensitivity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using bacteriophages
12:10 Jihad Snobre, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
OR04: Safety of high-dose amikacin in the first week of all-oral rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis treatment for the prevention of acquired resistance
Poster pitches - Session 1
Chair: Annelies van Rie
1 minute per poster (P006 to P030)
Poster Session 1
Session 4: Innovative new diagnostics
Chair: Praha Rupasinghe, Richard Anthony
14:45 Morten Ruhwald, FIND; Geneva
GL07: New diagnostics: What’s hot in the pipeline?
15:15 Veronique Suttels, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne
OR05: Point-of-care lung ultrasound for the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in Benin: the TrUST study
15:25 Rouxjeanne Venter, Stellenbosch University
OR06: Use of a modified face mask and liquid-based cough aerosol sampling system to measure the infectiousness of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients.
15:35 C M Crovara Pesce, Universitaria di Bologna
OR07: Pluslife MTBC Card: a new rapid diagnostic tool for management of pulmunary TB patients
Poster pitches - Session 2
Chair: Annelies van Rie
1 minute per poster (P31-P55)
Coffee Break
Session 5: WGS to guide public health interventions
Chair: Conor Meehan, Claude Semuto Ngabonziza
16:50 Etthel Windels, ETH Zürich, Basel
GL08 Unlocking the potential of phylodynamic birth-death models: Opportunities and challenges in TB epidemiology
17:20 Stefan Niemann, Borstel Research Institute
GL09 Whole genome sequencing to inform tuberculosis control in high endemic countries
17:50 Dario Garcia De Viedma, Instituto de Investigación Gregorio Marañon, Madrid, Spain
GL10 Whole genome sequencing to guide TB control in a European context: experience from Spain
18:20 Richard Anthony, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven
OR08 Routine whole genome sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis when the consensus in not enough
18:30 Ana Maria García-Marín, Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV-CSIC), Valencia
OR09 Genomic epidemiology of tuberculosis using long-read sequencing to increase resolution of transmission clusters
Guided tour and traditional dinner
Tuesday 25 June
Session 6: Host-pathogen interaction and vaccines
Chair: Tim Walker, Inaki Comas
08:30 Carlos Martin, Zaragossa University, Spain
GL11 MTBVAC: A molecular Pasteurian approach to tuberculosis vaccines in clinical trials among the new technology vaccine platforms.
09:00 Stefan Schille, BionTech, Germany
GL12 BNT164: Preclinical development of two mRNA-based tuberculosis vaccine candidates.
09:30 Klaas Dewaele, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
OR10 Conservation of M72/​AS01E vaccine epitopes in 31,428 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates
09:40 Marta Arch, Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute and Hospital, Badalona
OR11 Deciphering Tuberculosis host-pathogen coevolution using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system
09:50 Daniela Brites, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Insitute
OR12 Host and Pathogen Determinants of TB Disease and Transmission in TanzaniaHost and Pathogen Determinants of TB Disease and Transmission in Tanzania
10:00 Pablo Soldevilla, Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute and Hospital, Badalona
OR13 Sex and progression towards active TB in an experimental mouse model. Impact of stress-induced glucocorticoids and intermittent fasting
10:10 Marta Caballer-Gual, Universidad de València
OR14 Unraveling host-specific in vitro virulence profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ecotypes.
Coffee Break
Session 7: TB treatment: forgiveness
Chair: Bouke De Jong
11:00 Tom Decroo, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
GL13 Effect of regimen composition on acquired resistance
11:30 Annelies Van Rie, Antwerp University
GL14 WGS-guided RR-TB care and prevention to save lives and preserve regimens
12:00 Jennefer Wetzel, J&J Innovative Medicine - Global Public Health
OR15 Inhibition of menaquinone biosynthesis results in re-sensitization of Bedaquiline resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Poster pitches - Session 3
Chair: Annelies van Rie
1 minute per poster (P56 - P80)
Poster Session 2
Session 8: One Health
Chair: Anzaan Dippenaar, Daniela Brites
14:45 Michele Miller, NRF South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Animal TB
GL15 Tackling the Tip of the Iceberg – Using a One Health Approach to Tuberculosis
15:15 Verena Schuenemann, University of Basel
GL16 One health approaches to trace M. leprae's zoonotic potential through time
15:45 Mireia Coscolla, Institute for integrative systems biology
OR16 In vitro host gene expression profiles in cross-infections of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ecotypes
15:55 Andrei Gabrielian
OR17 Democratizing education and research for new generation of medical professionals: TB Portals data and resources.”
Coffee Break
Session 9: Rapid genotypic and phenotypic drug-susceptibility testing for clinical decision making
Chair: Elisa Ardizzoni, Andrea Cabbibe
16:35 Shelley E. Haydel, Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, USA
GL17 Large volume scattering imaging technology for rapid mycobacterial phenotypic drug susceptibility testing
17:05 Dylan Adlard, University of Oxford
OR18 Reproducible algorithmic generation of resistance catalogues improves resistance prediction for bedaquiline in M. tuberculosis
17:15 Morwan Osman, University of York,
OR19 Remission cytochrome spectroscopy reveals the mode of action of bedaquiline in living mycobacteria
17:25 Isabel Cuella-Martin, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
OR20 Nationwide evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra reveals challenges in accurate diagnosis of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis
17:35 Philip Supply, GenoScreen, Lille,
OR21 Closing the diagnostic gap for the BPaLM treatment regimen with tNGS: Deeplex Myc-TB XL.
General Assembly
Social activity: Dinner and party
Wednesday 26 June
Session 10: History of mycobacterial pathogens
Chair: Mireia Coscolla, Mattias Merker
09:00 Rein Houben, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
GL18 The (re)discovery of the spectrum of TB
09:30 Kirsten Bos, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
GL19 Genomic studies of tuberculosis in archaeological bone
10:00 Thierry Wirth, Ecole Pratiques des Hautes Etudes, Paris
OR22 Unveiling the Drivers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lineage 2 success: An Integrative Approach
10:10 Álvaro Chiner-Oms, FISABIO-Public Health
OR23 Delving deeper into the evolution of drug resistance
10:20 Emma Roycroft, Irish Mycobacteria laboratory, Trinity College, Dublin
OR24 First evidence of pyrazinamide-susceptible Mycobacterium bovis, sub-lineage La1.1, in Ireland
Coffee Break
Session 11: Mycobacterium tuberculosis machinery
Chair: Mattias Merker, Christophe Sola
11:00 Edith Houben, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
GL20 Type VII secretion systems: structure, functioning and roles in pathogenic mycobacteria
11:30 Jorge Alberto Cardenas-Pestana, Universidad de Zaragoza
OR25 Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) transcriptional adaptations to growth arrest: unveiling the role of iron and carbon sources
11:40 Annemarie Hintz-Rüter, Research Center Borstel Leibniz Lung Centre
OR26 Rifampicin tolerance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains
11:50 Federico Di Marco, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan
OR27 Spatial dual host-bacterial gene expression to study pathogenesis and the regulation of virulence factors in tissue during NTM respiratory infections
12:00 Ori Solomon, McGill University
OR28 Drivers of levofloxacin resistance in a high MDR-TB incidence country.
12:10 Lindsay Sonnenkalb, Research Center Borstel Leibniz Lung Centre
OR29 Using long term evolution models to define drug resistance mechanisms to DDU209, a novel tuberculosis drug candidate
Session 12: Advancements in modelling and data integration
Chair: Annelies Van Rie, Viola Dreyer
13:30 Oren Tzfadia, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
GL21 Integration of SNPs and 3D protein structures to highlight conserved regions in the virulence mechanism of Mtb, which could serve as potential new vaccine target
14:00 Joaquín Sanz Remón, Zaragossa University
GL22 Data drive assessment of MTB transmission in evolving demographic structures
14:30 Guislaine Refrégier, Université Paris - Saclay
OR30 Improving the benchmark of Mycobacterium tuberculosis variant calling protocols with in silico evolved genomes
14:40 Rima Zein Eddine, Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, École Polytechnique
OR31 Mutator genotypes drive resistance to antibiotics in natural isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Poster Awards and Closing Ceremony
Chair: Troels Lillebaek, Leen Rigouts
Social activity: Reception in the City Hall of Bruges offered by the City of Bruges